Persimmon, energy and vitamins
A khaki medium gives us 20 g of sugars. On the other hand, the vitamin content of this fruit is not negligible, it contains vitamin C and especially carotenoids or provitamin A, which are responsible for the orange color they appear. As for minerals, we must highlight potassium.
How to take it
It is usually eaten as a dessert, khaki As it is a very soft fruit, it is generally eaten with a spoon, although there is an exception which is the Sharoni variety, with a firmer texture. In addition to consuming it fresh, it is used to make desserts, drinks, ice cream ... and in some countries it is also consumed dried, such as in the United States and Japan, where this presentation is considered a delicacy.
Who is it good for and who is not?
Persimmon is a fruit suitable for almost all situations. It is recommended for:
- Increased needs of vitamin A: persimmon is rich in carotenoids that the body can transform into vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for the good condition of the skin, mucous membranes and also for fetal growth. It is especially important in pregnant women and in people with certain skin and mucosa problems.
- Potassium deficiency: persimmon has a high content of this mineral, so its contribution is interesting in cases of deficit such as those that can originate after treatment with diuretics or vomiting episodes.
- : its low sodium and high potassium content makes it perfectly suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure.
- : its contribution of soluble fiber, such as pectin, makes it an interesting food to avoid constipation.
It is not suitable in case of:
- Potassium-limited diets: some kidney diseases imply a control and limitation of potassium provided by the diet, in this case foods such as persimmon should be avoided due to their high potassium content.
- Limitation of sugars: if in particular we must limit the consumption of rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, we will avoid their intake since it is a fruit with an important contribution of sugars. However, taken in moderation it can be incorporated into a weight loss diet.
Buying and conservation advice
The khaki It is a very delicate fruit and, on the other hand, it is very important to consume it when it is ripe. We must check that it is not damaged and that it keeps the chalice glued.
In addition, we will take into account how long we intend to keep it or if it will be for immediate consumption, because in the second case we must choose a well-ripened specimen that has a more reddish color, whose skin feels thin and whose consistency is very soft.
If, on the other hand, we are going to take a few days to consume it, we will choose it more orange, smoother, with a firmer and more consistent touch. In this case, we will keep it in a cool and dry place where it slowly matures.
Remember that…
Persimmons cannot be eaten at the time of harvest due to their harshness. They require an over-ripening that makes them more suitable for the palate. Therefore, when acquiring them, we must take into account how long it will take to consume them to savor them at their optimum point of maturity.
- Season: from November to March.
- Benefits: tasty, energetic and very rich in carotenoids.
- Ideal for: potassium replacement, weight loss and constipation control diets.
Mercè Gonzalo Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor of Food Science and Technology
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)