What is Rifadin? How to Treat with Generic Rifampin.
- Meningitis;
- Haemophilus influenza;
- Legionella Pneumonia;
- Leprosy;
- Staphylococcus aureus.

Generic Rifadin (Rifampin 150 mg) Medication guide:
More facts about Generic Rifadin (Rifampin 150 mg):
What is Generic Rifadin? When the drug should be used?
Generic Rifadin is a collective unofficial name for all drugs identical in effect, composition, and indications for use, to the brand-name drug Rifadin. The medicines are manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies and therefore each of them has their own registered name. The unofficial common name is used to make it easier for people to find a cheaper version of the branded drug without knowing the names of its analogs. You can also ask a pharmacist for Generic Rifampin, the collective name with the use of the active substance name, and he or she will know exactly what you need.
The discovery of the medication dates back to 1957. First, a bacterium that has an antibacterial effect was discovered by the Italian biologist. Later, the scientists found a way to enhance the antibacterial effect of this bacterium and created the drug called Rifampin. The medication was first used in Italy in 1968. In the U.S., the medication was approved in 1971.
Rifampin is primarily used to treat tuberculosis as it is mainly effective against mycobacteria that cause the disease. However, the medication can be also used as a part of combination therapy of leprosy, Legionnaire's disease, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It is reasonable to buy Rifadin or its generic if you are diagnosed with a bacterial infection which is susceptible to this particular antibiotic.
Is the generic any different from the brand drug?
Perfectly, all generics should be identical to the branded medications but it’s not always the case. Some manufacturers use inferior materials trying to save on the production and though the drugs are tested thoroughly, such nuances can be still overlooked. But if you buy Generic Rifadin from RXShopMD, you can be sure that you will get the best quality medication that corresponds to all of the parameters of the original drug but costs several times cheaper. We choose only reliable manufacturers whose drugs are approved internationally and have only positive reviews from reputable doctors.
Whom the drug is contraindicated?
Before you buy Rifampin, you need to check with the doctor who prescribes you the medication that you have no contraindications for its use.
The instruction provides the following recommendations on the inability to use the drug: hypersensitivity to the drug or other medicines from the group of rifamycins, violated liver or kidney function, less than a year after infectious hepatitis, and jaundice. The drug is also contraindicated for children below 1 year of age and people who suffer from alcoholism due to the risk of hepatotoxicity.
Can the medication be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
You should not buy Generic Rifampin if you are pregnant. In general, the drug is contraindicated to be used during the first trimester of pregnancy but can be sometimes used during second and third trimesters if the expected benefits to the mother greatly outweigh the risk to the baby. However, the use during the last weeks of pregnancy can cause postpartum hemorrhage in the mother and bleeding in the newborn. Moreover, if you are not pregnant, it is advised to use strong contraception during the therapy to avoid pregnancy.
According to the clinical trials, during breastfeeding only around 1% of the medication is consumed by the baby. However, it is still strongly not advised to use the drug and breastfeed.
Therapy with Generic Rifadin
The therapy with the generic medication is not different from the therapy with the branded drug. Your doctor can prescribe you either oral use of the pills, which can be done at home, or intravenous infusions. In this medication guide we provide the data from the instruction for oral tablets only.
- Active and latent tuberculosis treatment in adults: the daily dosage is calculated based on the body weight but it should not exceed 600 mg. The dosage per kilogram of the body weight is 10 milligrams. The duration of the therapy is set by the doctor.
- Meningococcal meningitis: for prevention, adults should take 600 mg once a day orally. The duration of the therapy is set by the doctor. For the therapy, the dosage is the same, 600 mg a day. The duration of the therapy is 10-14 days.
- Legionella pneumonia treatment in adults: 600 mg once a day orally. The duration of the therapy is chosen by the doctor.
- Leprosy: the daily dosage is 600 mg orally once a month. The therapy should also include the use of other medications that are chosen by the doctor based on the type of the condition.
The medication is also used for other conditions and can be administered to children. Please read the instruction, or better, consult your health care provider for more specific instructions.
Impaired kidney or liver function
The instruction doesn’t provide recommendations on the lowered dosages for people with kidney dysfunction but specifies that people with liver dysfunction should refrain from using the drug or, if the medication use is inevitable for some reasons, the dosages should be reduced and the therapy in general must be strictly supervised by a health care provider.
Precautions during the therapy with Rifadin
When you order Rifadin, you should use it cautiously and avoid drinking alcohol during the therapy because it can cause liver failure.
The antibiotic is used for non-tuberculosis infections only if other antibiotics are ineffective.
The medication should be cautiously used in newborns and depleted patients because of insufficiency of liver enzymes production. Newborns also require the administration of vitamin K to avoid hemorrhages caused by the antibiotic.
How the effect of the medication is achieved?
The antibacterial effect of the antibiotic is due to the violation of the synthesis of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the bacteria.
The medication renders bacteriostatic effect, i.e. does not kill the bacteria but prevents its growth and replication. In larger dosages it also provides bactericidal effect, i.e. kills the bacteria. Rifadin is effective against extracellular and intracellular microorganisms, especially rapidly multiplying extracellular pathogens.
Possible adverse reactions Rifadin or Generic Rifampin can cause
When you order Generic Rifadin, you should be aware that the therapy with the potent antibiotic drug can cause the occurrence of certain unpleasant adverse reactions such as headaches, confusion, vision impairment, candidiasis of the oral cavity, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, erosive gastritis, digestive disorders, abdominal pain, diarrhea, colitis, increased liver transaminases and bilirubin in the blood, jaundice, muscle weakness, herpes, flu-like symptoms, and others. In the occurrence of allergic reactions such as rash, itching, urticaria, fever, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, eosinophilia, or others, the therapy must be discontinued.
In general, if you experience any side effects, you must inform your doctor so he or she would be able to decide whether you need the treatment with another drug or additional medications to cope with the negative adverse effects.
Drug interactions with Rifampin
Before you order Rifampin, you need to check that you don’t use any medications it can negatively interact with. Considering that the instruction doesn’t provide all names of the medications but rather the names of the groups of drugs, it is better to inform your doctor about the medications that you use than decide by yourself whether the combination is safe or not. Being a powerful inductor of Cytochrome P450, Rifampin can cause potentially dangerous interactions.
It reduces the effect of corticosteroids, indirect anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemic drugs, digitalis preparations, antiarrhythmic medicines, antiepileptic drugs, methadone, hexobarbital, nortriptyline, haloperidol, benzodiazepines, hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives, thyroxine, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, ketoconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, azathioprine, beta-blockers, and many others.
Concurrent use with isoniazid or pyrazinamide increases the incidence and severity of liver function disorders and the likelihood of neutropenia development.
Overdose symptoms and treatment
The symptoms of the overdose with Rifampin are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increase of the liver size, jaundice, swelling of the face or eyelids, lung edema, confusion, seizures, mental health violations, and others.
The first measures you can undertake at home are: try inducing vomiting, drink a lot of water, and take activated carbon. If the symptoms persist and are severe, you need to seek medical assistance as symptomatic treatment and monitoring of the vital functions.
Where to buy Rifadin?
You can order Generic Rifampin from our online pharmacy in order to save on the therapy especially taking into account that the treatment courses are usually quite lengthy with the drug.
Shipping terms for Rifampin
We will ship your pills wherever you are. You can order their fast or standard delivery to get them just in time.
Free prescription
Our doctor prescribes Rifampin online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.
Discrete packaging
All orders of Rifampin arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.