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What is Myambutol? How to Treat with Generic Ethambutol.

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Generic name:
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Generic Myambutol is an unofficial name for the medications identical to the brand drug Myambutol but made by other pharmaceutical companies. It is an antibiotic drug effective specifically against tuberculosis and some other mycobacteria. The medication is used as a single medication or in combination therapy because it enhances the effect of other medicines used to treat tuberculosis. The antibiotic can be used in adults and children but not in pregnant or breastfeeding women. You can find out more about the dosages, precautions, and treatment course durations from our medication guide.

Order Myambutol (Ethambutol 200 mg)

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Price: $168.90

Order Myambutol (Ethambutol 400 mg)

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Price: $168.90

Order Myambutol (Ethambutol 600 mg)

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Price: $168.90

Order Myambutol (Ethambutol 800 mg)

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1 150 pills(popular) $90.00 $118.53 $28.53
Price: $168.90
- Effectively treats tuberculosis and infections caused by other mycobacteria in convenient oral use at home.
Combutol, Aethambutolum, Dadibutol, Diambutol, Etibi, Themibutal, Tibitol, Tibutol.

Generic Myambutol (Ethambutol 200 mg) Medication guide:

More facts about Generic Myambutol (Ethambutol 200 mg):

What is Generic Myambutol?

Myambutol is a trade name registered by a certain pharmaceutical company that markets the drug in the U.S. The name of the company is X-Gen Pharmaceuticals. However, since the active substance of the medication named Ethambutol was discovered back in 1961, nowadays, the drug is manufactured by multiple companies. Such medications have their own trade or brand names but collectively they are referred to as Generic Myambutol or Generic Ethambutol among people who know the medication only under the name of Myambutol.

Generics use the same formula and ingredients as the branded drug and are in no way inferior. But they are commonly much cheaper than the brand drugs sold in the U.S. for numerous reasons. First of all, they are made using already developed formula. Secondly, their manufacturers choose not to enter the monopolized markets such as the U.S. hence they save on approvals and registration in those countries. Instead, they choose other markets to sell their drugs in and are able to set much lower prices. Generics, in general, were aimed to be cheaper analogs of the expensive brand drugs to be affordable for people from developing countries and people from developed countries with lower incomes.

Ethambutol, the active substance of the drug, is a potent antibiotic medication specifically potent against pathogens that cause tuberculosis.

Is there a difference between the generic and the brand drug?

No. The drugs are identical. They share the same formula and ingredients. Therefore, the effect of the branded pills is not different in any way from the effect of the generic medicine. If your doctor prescribes you Myambutol, you can buy Generic Myambutol and use it in a way your doctor prescribed with a peace of mind.

When Generic Ethambutol is prescribed?

Though antibiotics are used for different bacterial infections, this particular drug is prescribed for tuberculosis mainly. It can be also used in the therapy of infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria, a specific type of bacteria that isn’t susceptible to other broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Therapy with Generic Ethambutol

Commonly, considering the seriousness of the diseases that are treated with the antibiotic, the therapy prescribed comprises not only this drug but a combination of several medications such as Ethambutol and Isoniazid, Rifampicin or Pyrazinamide.

The dosages chosen for the therapy depend on whether the infection is diagnosed for the first time or it was present and treated beforehand. If it is the first time tuberculosis is diagnosed, the instruction recommends starting using the drug in the dosage of 15 milligrams per kilogram of the body weight taken once a day. The treatment course duration is 2 months.

Patients who already undergone the therapy of tuberculosis are prescribed to take 25 milligrams per kilogram of the body weight for 2 months. After the main therapy course, an additional, supporting treatment course is prescribed with the daily dosage of 15 milligrams per kilogram of the body weight.

It is advised to use the medication in the morning after breakfast. The drug is not advised to be taken by children younger than 13 years of age because the safety of the drug isn’t proven in this category of patients. The therapy of other mycobacteria requires individual dosages. Therefore, before you buy Myambutol, please get a precise instruction on how to use the drug in your case specifically.

Do people with liver or kidney dysfunction require dosage reductions?

The instruction doesn’t provide any recommendations on the use in people with liver function impairment. For renal function impairment lowered dosages are advised.


The daily dosage of the medication must not be split into several intakes. Before and during the therapy, it is advised to examine vision regularly and in case of even mildest vision deterioration, the therapy should be discontinued.

Can the antibiotic be used during gestation and lactation?

No. The use of the medicine is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Myambutol contraindications for use

Before you buy Ethambutol, you should check with your doctor that you don’t suffer from any of the following conditions: gout, severe kidney function impairment, allergy to the components of the medicine, neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve), severe mental disorder, cataract (blurred lens of the eye with decreased visual acuity), inflammatory eye diseases, and diabetic retinopathy (non-inflammatory lesions of the retina resulted from high blood sugar). The antibiotic is also contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women because it can seriously harm the baby. Ethambutol should not be used by people who drive vehicles or whose work implies operating of large machinery and requires high concentration.

The minimal age from which the drug can be used is 14 years (in other countries the minimum age is considered 5 years).

How Ethambutol renders its effect?

The drug interferes with the specific bacteria metabolism. It rapidly penetrates into the bacterial cell, breaks the ribosome structure, synthesizes of the RNA and protein, lipid exchange, and binds magnesium and copper ions. It affects only intensively dividing extracellular and intracellular mycobacteria (intracellular concentrations twice exceed extracellular).

In monotherapy, the resistance of the bacteria develops quite slowly. The effect of the medication on the bacteria is developed within 1-2 days.

Ethambutol has bacteriostatic effect, i.e. it doesn’t kill the bacteria but inhibits bacterial growth of pathogens that cause tuberculosis and some other diseases caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. It prevents the bacteria resistance development against other anti-tuberculosis drugs. Moreover, Ethambutol is effective even against the strains resistant to other anti-tuberculosis antibiotics.

Possible adverse reactions Myambutol and its generics can cause

Considering that the drug is a potent antibiotic, the adverse effects are likely to occur. Some of them include depression, dizziness, headache, disorientation in space, hallucinations, peripheral neuritis and polyneuropathy, neuritis, optic nerve atrophy, visual acuity, refraction, and color perception violation, narrowing of the central and peripheral fields of vision. Other negative symptoms include enhanced cough, increased sputum volume, metallic taste, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, liver function impairment, and others.

You should not hesitate to inform your doctor if you have any of these side effects and especially allergic reactions such as rash, itching, and others as it may indicate that you need to use other medications instead of Myambutol.

Drug interactions

Before you order Myambutol, you need to inform the doctor that prescribes you the therapy about all medications that you currently use or intend to use.

The antibiotic enhances the effect of other anti-tuberculosis medications but also increases the neurotoxicity (toxic effect on the nervous system, the risk of visual nerve nervitis) of aminoglycosides, asparaginase, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, imipenem, lithium salts, methotrexate, and quinine.

It is not recommended to combine the medication use with ethionamide because the drugs inhibit each other’s effects.

Drugs to reduce acidity of the stomach reduce the absorption of Ethambutol.


When you order Ethambutol, you should remember that the drug’s dosages must not be split otherwise the therapeutic effect won’t be achieved. You should take the dosage at the same time everyday to avoid overdosing. If somehow you still overdosed, induce vomiting and seek medical assistance if the negative symptoms listed in the adverse effects section are intensified.

Where to buy Myambutol?

You can buy Generic Myambutol cheap and without a prescription from our online drugstore. This way you will save on the therapy significantly even if you would pay for the delivery.

Shipping terms

Rxshop delivers all pills including Generic Ethambutol everywhere in the world. If you order in total for $199, you will enjoy free shipping.

Free prescription

Our doctor prescribes Ethambutol online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.

Discrete packaging

All orders of Ethambutol arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.

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