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What is Calan? How to Treat with Generic Verapamil.

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Generic Calan (Verapamil) is a medication used in various heart-related conditions such as tachycardia, angina, violations of the heart rhythm, elevated blood pressure, and others. The drug is sold with a prescription in the U.S. though it can be bought over-the-counter in other countries. Verapamil is a relatively safe substance that can be used in children. Usually, the drug is prescribed in regular dosages taken in 2-3 intakes during the day yet in some cases individual dosage adjustment should be made. The drug is contraindicated in certain heart conditions including hypotension (lowered blood pressure) and some forms of congestive heart failure. It is also not recommended to use the drug with certain medications. Therefore, before buying the pills, you should consult your doctor and inform him or her about all of the conditions you have or have ever had.

Order Calan (Verapamil 40 mg)

Dosage:40 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 100 tabs(popular) $45.00 $50.42 $5.42
1 125 tabs $55.00 $69.64 $14.64
Price: $168.90

Order Calan (Verapamil 80 mg)

Dosage:80 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 100 tabs(popular) $49.00 $61.63 $12.63
1 125 tabs $65.00 $71.52 $6.52
Price: $168.90

Order Calan (Verapamil 120 mg)

Dosage:120 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 100 tabs $55.00 $69.20 $14.20
1 200 tabs(popular) $100.00 $123.20 $23.20
1 300 tabs $144.00 $168.32 $24.32
Price: $168.90

Order Calan (Verapamil 240 mg)

Dosage:240 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 50 tabs $45.00 $51.52 $6.52
1 100 tabs(popular) $80.00 $98.51 $18.51
1 150 tabs $120.00 $158.51 $38.51
Price: $168.90
- Lowers High Blood Pressure;
- Treats Angina Pectoris;
- Controls Heart Rhythm Disorders;
- Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Events;
- Decreases Heart’s Oxygen Demand;
- Prevents Migraine Headaches;
- Improves Blood Flow;
- Ease of Symptoms in Cluster Headaches;
- Improves Exercise Tolerance;
- Slows Down Heart Rate.
Calaptin, Apo-Verap, Arpamyl, Berkatens, Cardiagutt, Cardibeltin, Cordilox, Covera-HS, Dignover, Dilacoran, Drosteakard, Geangin, Iproveratril, Isoptimo, Isoptin, NU-Verap, Novo-Veramil, Quasar, Securon, Univer, Vasolan, Veracim, Veramex, Veraptin, Verelan, Verexamil.

Generic Calan (Verapamil 40 mg) Medication guide:

More facts about Generic Calan (Verapamil 40 mg):

Generic Calan (Verapamil) is a heart medication approved in 1981 and included in the List of Essential Medicines of the World Health Organization. It used in various conditions that cause tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, and other symptoms.

When should the drug be used?

When should the drug be used?

You can buy Generic Calan (Verapamil) if your doctor prescribes you to use any medication based on Verapamil for the treatment or prevention of violations of the heart rhythm, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, supraventricular extrasystole, angina, and hypertension (increased blood pressure), and migraines.

What is the mechanism of action of Calan (Verapamil)?

The medication is a blocker of L-type potential calcium-dependent channels. The drug is included in the anti-arrhythmic drugs of the IV group.

The effect of the drug is mostly due to the impact on the myocardium than the blood vessels. Verapamil causes the widening of the coronary heart vessels and improves the coronary blood flow, lowers the heart's need for oxygen. In ischemic processes in the myocardium, it promotes the balance between the heart’s demand and supply of the oxygen through the increased blood inflow as well as improved utilization and more economical consumption of delivered oxygen.

In the therapeutic dosages, the drug slows down and weakens cardiac contractions, inhibits sinoatrial and atrioventricular conductivity, and reduces the automatism of the heart muscle.

How to use the drug?

How to use the drug?

Before you buy Calan (Verapamil), it would be wise to consult your doctor first to be sure that this medication is what you really need as there are other medications used for the same conditions and this one may be unsuitable for you. Also, the dosages in some cases are chosen individually. The dosages you can find in this article are average, generally recommended ones that may be or may not be suitable for you.

The pills should be taken orally 30 minutes before a meal. In the mild forms of angina, the dosages of 40-80 mg 3-4 times a day are prescribed. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 120-160 mg per intake. The average well-tolerated daily dosage is from 240 mg to 480 mg. The maintaining therapy with the lower and individually chosen dosages can be of long duration.

The advantage of the drug in comparison with organic nitrates and Nifedipine is that patients do not develop the tolerance to the drug, i.e. the effect isn’t minimized over time. On the contrary, the anti-ischemic effect in the regular use of Verapamil only increases.

The drug can be also used in children. Children before 4 years of age are administered 20 mg 2-3 times a day. Children older than 4 years of age and younger than 14, are administered 40 mg 2-3 times a day.

Calan (Verapamil) is also used intravenously in some cases, for example, to eliminate paroxysm of supraventricular tachycardia. Adults are injected intravenously 5-10 mg of 0.25% solution. For the maintenance therapy, the drug is administered repeatedly once a day through intravenous drip with the rate of 0.005 mg per kilogram of the body weight per minute. The procedure must be performed by certified healthcare providers or nurses as the solution should be made from the active substance and isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution.

Intravenous use in children is also made by healthcare specialists. Children from 1 year to 5 years of age are administered 2-3 mg, from 6 to 14 years, 2.5-5 mg.

Whom Generic Calan (Verapamil) is contraindicated?

Whom Generic Calan (Verapamil) is contraindicated?

You should not buy Generic Calan (Verapamil) and use it if you have been diagnosed with any of the conditions listed below:
— Allergy to one or several components of the drug;
— Pronounced bradycardia (slow heart rate);
— Chronic heart failure of 3 or 4 class;
— Cardiogenic shock (except if it is caused by arrhythmia);
— Sinoatrial block;
— Atrioventricular block of II and III stage (except patients with an artificial pacemakers);
— Sick sinus syndrome;
— Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome;
— Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome;
— Acute heart failure.

Additionally, the medication is not advised to be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The drug should be cautiously used in people with atrioventricular block of I stage, chronic heart failure of I and II class, people with hypotension (lowered arterial pressure), bradycardia, and medium to severe liver function violations.

What side effects can Calan (Verapamil) cause?

Usually, the drug is well tolerated without any adverse reactions though certain unpleasant symptoms may occur such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, face redness increased tiredness, swelling, allergic reactions such as rash, itching, and others, constipation, hypotension, and atrioventricular block.

With what medications the drug should not be combined?

The drug is not advised to be used along with beta-adrenoblockers as the combined effect can lead to the negative effect to the conduction and cardiac contractility.

The drug should not be used along with other medications that reduce blood pressure including diuretics.

If you buy Generic Calan (Verapamil) and use it at the same time with Digoxin, the increased concentrations of the latter in the blood plasma and intoxication can occur.

Cimetidine and ranitidine increase the concentration of Verapamil in the blood plasma.

Rifampicin and Phenobarbital can reduce the effectiveness of Calan and its generics.

With Lithium, the drug can contribute to the development of neurotoxic effects.

There are other medications that if taken with Generic Calan (Verapamil) can cause other negative effects on the body. Therefore, you should notify your doctor about all drugs that you use or plan to use before you start using the heart medication.

What should you do in the overdose with Calan (Verapamil)?

What should you do in the overdose with Calan (Verapamil)?

The intake of large dosages of the medication, starting from 6 grams, can cause loss of consciousness, arterial hypertension, sinus bradycardia, atrioventricular block, and asystole.

The treatment should be conducted in the hospital under a doctor’s supervision. It includes the symptomatic treatment and can include the introduction of dopamine, calcium gluconate, isoproterenol or norepinephrine.

Is there a difference between the brand-name drug and Generic Calan (Verapamil)?

The drugs are identical. They are simply made and marketed by different pharmaceutical companies. Though, they provide the same effect, are based on the same chemical formula, and are equally safe.

Generics are usually cheaper than the brand-name drug as they are made after the exclusive patent of the original drug developer expires. They are also sold under different names. But you don’t have to look for the names or remember all of them as you can simply ask for Generic Calan or Generic Verapamil and get the best suitable drug at an online pharmacy like ours.

Where is it better to buy Calan (Verapamil) online?

Where is it better to buy Calan (Verapamil) online?

Though many U.S. pharmacies sell generics along with the brand medications, they usually set quite high prices for them as compared with the pharmacies situated abroad. For example, our online drugstore is able to set the prices up to 3 times cheaper for the same generics because we operate from the country where we have to pay fewer taxes and the operational expenses are in general lower than in the U.S.

Also, online pharmacies won’t ask you for a prescription as they are located in the countries and regions where such drugs as Calan are sold over-the-counter.

Calan (Verapamil) shipping by RXShopMD

Calan (Verapamil) shipping by Rxshop

We ship our medications in all countries of the world though the delivery can take a bit longer to certain locations. Usually, our standard shipping method takes from 18 to 35 days and the express shipping is from 12 to 16 days. All parcels are supplied with track numbers so you can check by yourself where your parcel is now and how soon it will arrive. Find out more about our refund, return, and bonus programs in the FAQ section of our online drugstore.

Free prescription

Our doctor prescribes Verapamil online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.

Discrete packaging

All orders of Verapamil arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.

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