Understanding Thyroid Medications and Their Uses
What is a thyroid gland and where is located?
The thyroid gland is an unpaired organ of the endocrine system, consisting of two parts, an isthmus, and a rudimentary pyramidal particle. Located on the front surface of the neck, in front of the trachea and is the peripheral pituitary-dependent organ of the endocrine system, which regulates basal metabolism and provides calcium blood homeostasis. It stores iodine and produces iodine-containing hormones that play role in the regulation of the metabolism and growth of separate cells and the body in whole. These hormones are called Tetraiodothyronine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3).
Another hormone that is produced by the gland is called Calcitonin. It is a peptide hormone that compensates wear off of bone by the incorporation of calcium and phosphate into bone tissue, it also prevents the formation of osteoclasts, which in the activated state can lead to the destruction of bone tissue, and stimulates the functional activity and reproduction of osteoblasts.
If the hormones are produced insufficiently or, on the contrary, in excess, you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations, buy thyroid drugs and start the therapy as soon as possible before you developed serious health complications.
The statistics of the disorders of the thyroid gland in men and women
The pathologies of the thyroid gland rank second in terms of prevalence among the diseases of the glands after pancreatic gland disorders. According to the data provided by the World Health Organization, the disorders of the thyroid function are diagnosed in every tenth inhabitant of our planet.
Besides, the researchers also point out that every year hypothyroidism, endemic goiter, and other disorders of the thyroid gland become more and more prevalent. According to the healthcare authorities, the cause for that is bad-quality nutrition, bad environmental situation, hereditary factors, and the absence of an organized system for the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders.
The diseases of the thyroid gland can proceed against a background of unchanged, low (hypothyroidism) or increased (hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) endocrine function. Occurring in certain territories iodine deficiency can lead to the development of endemic goiter and even cretinism.
There are several circumstances predisposing to the development of thyroid diseases:
- Violations in the work of this organ are more often observed in women;
- The probability of developing pathologies increases in the second half of life;
- If in your family the elder relatives already had hyper- or hypothyroidism - then you are at risk;
- Thyroid more often fails in people who have been exposed to ionizing radiation in connection with work or in the treatment of another disease;
- Pregnant women are at high risk because of hormonal changes that occur during gestation.
Why do thyroid gland disorders develop?
In the cases when the dysfunction of the thyroid is not related to iodine deficiency or neck injury, it is almost impossible to name the reason for the illness. The doctors point out that the psychological aspect plays an important role in the function of the gland. For instance, the dysfunction of thyroid frequently can occur due to a potent stress, depression, and so on. The most common patients who need endocrinologist (a doctor who treats thyroid gland) are teachers and recently divorced people, which proves the theory about the stress factor as a main cause of the organ dysfunction.
In any case, not to let the disorder aggravate, it is important to pay attention to the early signs of the disease and visit a specialist. Find out about the signs and symptoms of thyroid gland dysfunction from the following section.
The symptoms and signs of the thyroid gland disease
Frequently, the disorders of the thyroid gland function can be rather observed by the family and friends rather than by a person who suffers from this. It is explained by the fact that we don’t quite see changes in our appearance but other people can see even the slight changes, for instance, such as weight fluctuations without any visible reasons, rapid pulse, and palpitations, trembling in the hands, increased sweating, changes in temperament i.e. the appearance of tearfulness and irritability, or, on the contrary, atypical phlegmatic and indifference to previously significant events; frequent dizziness and fits of weakness; feeling of heat or, conversely, chilliness at a previously comfortable temperature; in women, the irregularity of menstruation; intestinal disorders such as chronic diarrhea or constipation.
There can be various reasons for the occurrence of these symptoms but if you have one or several symptoms or notice them in your relatives or friends, you should visit or consult them visit an endocrinologist and undergo necessary tests.
Another symptom that should make you go to the doctor immediately is the visual changes your neck which are characteristic for certain thyroid gland disorders. For instance, neck asymmetry, enlargement of the neck, swelling of the neck, reddening of the neck, and so on should make you go to a doctor without hesitation.
If your doctor indeed diagnoses a thyroid disease, you can buy drugs for thyroid from our online pharmacy to get the treatment cheaper.
What disorders of the thyroid gland can you develop?
The thyroid gland is a complex mechanism; therefore the slightest irregularities in its work can be manifested by a variety of symptoms that mask themselves as other known diseases such as cardiac, neurological, gastroenterological, and other disorders. However, it is possible to identify the most common disorders of the thyroid gland, which are often encountered.
If, for certain reasons, the thyroid gland starts too actively synthesize T3 and T4 hormones, thyrotoxicosis (an overabundance of hormones) occurs. It is manifested by the accelerated metabolism, the patient loses sleep, grows thin, sweats, develops anxiety and sudden mood swings, dizziness and weakness. Over time, if thyrotoxicosis is not treated, it leads to a very characteristic symptom of thyroid disease: exophthalmos (a protruding eyeball). Most often, the basis of this condition is diffuse toxic goiter, an autoimmune disease in which thyroid tissues begin to uncontrollably synthesize hormones. In women, this pathology is observed much more often than in men.
It is the condition that leads to the reverse changes: the thyroid hormones are synthesized insufficiently and as a result, the metabolism in a person slows down, develops sluggishness, drowsiness, and commonly, weight gain. The surrounding people notice that the patient is getting fat, and his face becomes puffy (moon-shaped). A noticeable sign of the ailment is hair loss from the outer corners of the eyebrows. The cause of hypothyroidism can be as a separate disease, for example, endemic goiter or chronic inflammation of the gland, and the wrong treatment of thyrotoxicosis.
Sometimes the disorders in the function of thyroid are completely unnoticeable. Some deadly tumors of the thyroid gland may appear against the background of the preservation of its function. Therefore, even in cases when external and internal symptoms are not justified by the results of laboratory diagnosis, it is important to undergo a complete examination and exclude a serious pathology before the disease goes to a neglected stage.
How are the conditions diagnosed?
First of all, you need to go to an endocrinologist and tell them about your malaise if you have any. The doctor will do a physical examination and then appoint ultrasound tests and blood tests for hormones based on which it is easy to make the most correct diagnosis.
How to prevent thyroid gland disorders?
We cannot fully control the function of the gland but we can minimize the risk factors such as smoking, check the thyroid gland regularly at a doctor, eat products rich in iodine such as sea kale, seafood, iodized salt. Besides, a well night sleep and nutrition regimen can greatly help you avoid developing the dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
What thyroid drugs you can buy at RXShop?
Currently, at our online pharmacy there are available the following thyroid medications:
Eltroxin made by GlaxoSmithKline and Synthroid made by Abbott. Both of these medications are based on the same active agent called Levothyroxine and are used for different causes of hypothyroidism, including congenital and acquired due to treatment or surgery. The medications are also used for the prophylaxis of recurrence of nodular goiter, treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter, diffuse toxic goiter, as a part of the therapy in thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, and to test thyroid suppression.
We sell these medications without prescription but highly recommend you to consult your doctor before you order thyroid drugs.